Learn more about how Narragansett Bay Commission and our Board of Commissioners are committed to cleaner water for Rhode Island.


Watch “Chloe: The Clean Water Cruncher” Break Through at the End of the 2.2-mile
Pawtucket Tunnel.
The Blackstone River is among the many urban rivers that has seen improvement since the launch of this initiative.
Learn more about our Controlled Blasting Activities and how this work may impact your neighborhood.


The present is clean. The future is cleaner.

The Narragansett Bay Commission’s (NBC) Combined Sewer Overflow project, known as RestoredWaters RI, is Rhode Island’s most significant clean water project. Phases I and II of the project were completed in 2008 and 2014, respectively, and are responsible for dramatic improvements in water quality in upper Narragansett Bay and Providence’s urban rivers.

Started in spring 2021, Phase III of the project is a 2.2-mile long tunnel approximately 125 ft underground that will collect and transport storm-related sewage overflows to NBC’s Bucklin Point wastewater treatment facility for treatment before entering open waterways.

Please continue to check back with us, as the site will be updated regularly throughout the project.

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Notifications are sent by the project team approximately 24 hours prior to any planned blasting activity. To request being added to the list, please send an email to notifications@cb3a.com